Northern Pictures Northern Pictures

Broad Agenda review

From the makers of ‘See What You Made Me Do?’, Strong Female Lead explores the gender politics during Julia Gillard’s term as Australia’s first and still only female Prime Minister. Looking back at Ms Gillard’s time as Prime Minister, the film examines the response and tone from media commentators, the Australian public and within Parliament itself.

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Northern Pictures Northern Pictures

Julia Gillard’s response to Strong Female Lead

When I reflect back on my time as Prime Minister, my predominant emotion is one of gratitude for the opportunity.

Being Australia’s first female Prime Minister will always remain the greatest honour of my life.

I live my life according to the mantra we can’t change the past, but we can change the future.

That doesn’t mean the historical record is irrelevant, because it is only by analysing it that we can glean the lessons that will help us shape the best tomorrow.

The Strong Female Lead documentary will play a positive role if it is watched in that spirit, and spurs more gender equality activism.

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